Come dig a hole in Wyoming!
We come to the end of our educational series, “Alternate State Mottoes for Stupid States” with a state that is last on many lists, no matter how ordered, Wyoming. There is surprisingly much to say...
View ArticleI Made This
Well… we did. Linus John: … and with a very sleep-deprived papa, enjoying the soothing tones of Cuban dance music played at deafening volume. Good kid. (Nota bene: even on no sleep with a new infant in...
View ArticleFlame On!
It’s been a long standing point of minor contention between myself and Goodwyfe Johno that for some reason she won’t let me have a flamejob put on our Oldsmobile sedan. Says it’s a frivolous waste of...
View ArticleLow Blows
There’s two things that I am for sure: a rabid pro football fan (American style) and a bleeding heart pablum puker. So, I’ve been growing increasingly concerned over the last few years as reports have...
View ArticleAnna, damn ‘er
Anadama bread is a traditional coastal New England bread with molasses and cornmeal that makes excellent toast and incredible peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. The original recipe, so the legend...
View ArticleRed Dawn? That’s for kids
Just reading the quotes for “Red Dawn” on the IMDB makes me want to punch a commie in the face. I don’t think I could be trusted to keep things playful at the event in question. I can’t make it, but I...
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